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Retiree Benefits at a Glance                                                                                               Benefits that Differ for

               Prescription Drugs                               Supplemental Medical Plan                                                 Retirees Who Live Outside
               Cap depends on age and/or disability and         This is the only benefit that is available
               your health insurance plan.                      solely to retired members. This benefit is
                                                                provided when Medicare or your secondary                                  of the NYC Metro Area
               Dental Benefits                                  insurer denies coverage in whole or in part
               Annual Cap/Year of $1250 for each member         for the following
               and eligible family members.                                                                                               Two Optical Benefits Options                    Learn more about
                                                                •   Wheelchair, surgical stockings,
               Eye Exam and Eyeglasses                              orthopedic shoes, leg braces, hospital                                1.  Reimbursement for services: $45 exam,       Retiree Benefits
               Once every 2 years for each member and               beds, oxygen equipment, blood, private                                   $105 for materials or $150 allowance for
               eligible family members.                             duty nursing (in hospital only) and other                                contact lenses out of network.                   Retiree FAQs
                                                                    durable medical equipment or supplies
               Hearing Aid                                                                                                                2.  General Vision Services, a co-payment
               $1000 once every 5 Years                         •   The annual cap is $2500 per family. The                                  is required for exam and the purchase        Para hablar con un representante en espanol
                                                                    benefit is paid at 80% of the reasonable                                 of frames and lenses. 800-VISION1 or         por favor llame al 866-492-6983
               Death Benefit                                        and customary charges                                                    general
               $2500 for member only

               Medicare Advantage Plans (Rx Rider)              Dental Benefit
               For Medicare eligible participants who
               elect a health plan such as HIPNIP HMO.          •   $1250 Yearly Max Annual Benefit/Family
               All prescriptions are received with your             Member. (cap)
               health card from the health insurer.             •   5000+ Dentists on the HealthPlex Metro
               (Medicare Advantage Plan)                            Panel PPO. (NY Metro area)                                               Frequently Used

               The Retirees’ Fund provides partial              •   No charge for services listed on the                                     Retiree Forms
               reimbursement for anyone who chooses this            schedule of benefits, when you use a
               option, payments are;                                participating dentist                                                    Change of Address Form

               •   $24 a month for single coverage and          •   HealthPlex National Panel for those who
                   $36 a month for family coverage                  live outside of the NY Metro area                                        Retiree Enrollment Form

               •   Checks are sent out twice yearly usually     •   No forms needed. An ID card is provided                                  Health Benefits Application
                   February and August                              to eligible participants

               •   Single $144 and Family $216 reflect
                   six months of premium reimbursement          Optical Benefit

                                                                •   Once every 2 years a $150 Benefit is
                                                                    available to retired members and eligible
                                                                    family members
                                                                •   Eligibility and claim forms are now
                                                                    obtained from vendors in the CPS
                                                                    Optical Network

                                                                Visit the CPS website: or call
                                                                CPS at: 212-675-5745 for vendor locations.

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